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Submit a Class Note

Please use the form below to update your contact information or to share alumni career news, weddings or births for Bonaventure magazine. Class Notes submitted prior to Nov. 1, 2024, will be included in the winter 2025 edition.

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Class Notes
Please let us know about your careerupdates, professional and personal honors, and achievements for the next issue of Bonaventure magazine.

St. Bonaventure University reserves the right to accept or decline submissions of both information and photos for use in Bonaventure Magazine based on content, quality, timeliness, and suitability at the discretion of the editor.

Social Media


Please submit jpeg or tif files and label your photo with your last name. Images should have a resolution of at least 300 dpi (1 MG+) and be of good reproductive quality. SBU is prohibited from publishing copyrighted photographs, unless accompanied by permission from the photographer. Photos are published at the discretion of the editor. Photos that include banners or other insignia of the Brown Indian mascot will not be accepted.